28 students will receive the Sybil Tutton and Ian Fleming Awards 

The cost-of-living crisis has made musical studies more challenging for future performers striving for a career within the industry. 

This year we’re supporting 28 students studying opera and musical theatre, offering them between £1,000 and £5,000 towards the cost of studies. 

Support to study without financial barriers 

Receiving this award means everything. Whilst opportunities in London are plentiful, living has just gotten more and more expensive, even whilst working this year. Help Musicians has allowed me to be able to afford to stay in London and complete my studies.”
Duncan Stenhouse | Royal Academy of Music

Duncan Stenhouse is being supported to complete an advanced opera diploma at the Royal Academy of Music, through the Sybil Tutton Opera Award.

As an international student Duncan has struggled with the rising living costs in London, having reached the limit of his student loan and working to keep afloat. This support means that he can afford to stay in London and complete his studies. 

Currently I work both Saturdays and Sundays to try and afford living costs in London. This money will mean I can cut down to one shift a week and completely commit to my last year of training. This year is so important as we audition for our third year shows and try to obtain agents.”
Amelia Ford | Urdang Academy

Amelia Ford will be going into her final year of training at Urdang Academy, through the support of the Ian Fleming Musical Theatre Award.

The support gives Amelia time away from work to be able to fully focus her efforts on the course, coming at a crucial time when students try to obtain agents through third year shows. 

Support to take advantage of development opportunities. 

The cost of tuition fees was a major concern for me heading into next year, without this award, I would have to spend the next year working a job outside of music to earn enough both for living maintenance and my fees. This would have undoubtedly been detrimental to my prospects on the course.”
Charlotte Pawley | Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama

The Sybil Tutton Opera Award will help Charlotte Pawley pay her tuition fees for the opera course at Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, David Seligman Opera School, which she’ll be attending in September 2023

Support will also give Charlotte the financial security to be able to focus her time on music and development opportunities.