Old man and young man playing guitar

Music touches everyone’s life in some way. It marks the most momentous events, whether happy or sad.

If you would like to celebrate the importance of music in the life of a someone close to you who has recently passed, please consider supporting Help Musicians and Music Minds Matter.

Your support helps us to give the vital support that musicians need in times of crisis, retirement, or when they are just starting out. Every gift you make will be used to make a difference to the lives of musicians in the UK.

How to give in memory 

Set up a tribute page 

We recommend the online service MuchLoved, which allows you to create a special memorial website where you can share memories, thoughts and stories with family and friends to honour a loved one.

MuchLoved can collect fundraising donations for a charity of your choice, so please consider choosing Help Musicians — Musicians Benevolent Fund’ when setting up a tribute.

Make a one-off donation to the charity today, or sign up to be a regular supporter, via our website.

Fundraise for us in memory of a loved one 

There are many ways to celebrate someone’s life while fundraising for Help Musicians or Music Minds Matter. Call 020 7239 9114 or email fundraising@​helpmusicians.​org.​uk to discuss how you can support our work in honour of a loved one.