Double the difference you can make to UK musicians this Christmas

We’ve joined the Big Give to raise money for Music Minds Matter
The need for mental health support for those working in music is growing
As those across music struggle to find the specific support they need, the need for Music Minds Matter has never been greater. Calls to our helpline have risen by 200% over the last two years and in our recent Musicians’ Census, almost a third of musicians reported low mental wellbeing.
The Musicians’ Census laid bare the severe economic pressures which are partly responsible for widespread mental health issues — 17% of musicians who responded to the census are in debt and 23% do not earn enough through music to cover their rising costs of living.
Music Minds Matter offer unique support for the whole musical community and your donations are the difference between someone staying in music or, in extreme cases, someone continuing to live. It is the most valuable resource that I have heard of within the music industry
To make matters worse 73% of UK musicians are freelancers, meaning they don’t have access to benefits such as sick leave, and they are more likely to be isolated from assistance and safeguarding from employers that could help them through mental health challenges.
Sid’s story
I think people really want musicians to exist, but they don’t see that we are often viewed as doing our hobby or what we love. At the end of the day, it’s really hard work. People make choices because they really believe in what they’re doing, but they also make huge sacrifices for the same reason.
Like so many in the music industry, over the years Sid has struggled with his mental health and always wanted to have some kind of support structure.
After struggling for so long, Sid was finally able to access new ways of approaching his mental wellbeing, with support from Music Minds Matter. Whilst he says there was no ‘eureka moment’, the support gave him the tools to look after his mental health.
With little to no workplace support in place for musicians, often freelancing, Sid says it himself: “This is a unique kind of support”
Donate during the Big Give Christmas Challenge
The Big Give Christmas Challenge is a national online giving campaign.
We have now reached our match funding target of £7,000 from the Bryan Adams Foundation and the Reed Foundation. But you can still donate to us online on the Help Musicians Big Give webpage.
We have a new target of £17,000, to ensure even more musicians have access to mental health support.