Music Minds Matter

Music Minds Matter’s board represent a diverse set of skills and experience in the music industry

Help Musicians has registered Music Minds Matter as a single-focus charity, to support the mental health of all those who work in music across the UK

We’re pleased to be able to introduce you to Music Minds Matter’s first Board of Trustees, who will provide insight and focus to drive awareness to the whole music industry, helping to improve access to necessary mental health support. 

Meet the Board of Trustees 

Silvia Montello, Chair 

CEO, Association For Electronic Music (AFEM) and current Help Musicians Trustee 

Having worked in music my entire career, I have sadly seen and experienced first-hand the devastating impact on the mental health of too many great colleagues, friends and artists. 

Music brings such joy to so many people; we need to ensure that no-one involved in creating and sharing it across the music-loving community is left to suffer the effects of stressful, unhealthy and often precarious livelihoods, and is able to share in that joy and to thrive in their own daily endeavours.”

Silvia Montello is a seasoned music industry senior executive with 30 years of marketing, commercial and operational experience, including end-to-end product development, multi-discipline marketing & brand campaigns, business development, supply chain and global team management. She has worked for companies big and small, from major corporates to small independently owned, and currently works at the Association for Electronic Music as its CEO.

Passionate about dance and electronic music, she is a co-founder of dance label #remarqabl with the mission to nurture new songwriter & producer talent from under-represented areas– womxn, LGBTQ and people of colour.

Gareth Mellor 

Global Head of B2B Marketing, FUGA 

The music industry is one of the most exciting and yet unrelenting places to work. It’s important for the people in it to invest in their mental health and for leaders in the industry to be outspoken advocates for a healthy, diverse industry.

Gareth holds over 10 years of experience in marketing across technology and music, and is currently Global Head of B2B Marketing at FUGA. Gareth has previously worked at TuneCore as head of UK, Australia and New Zealand. 

Juliette Edwards 

Deputy Chief People Officer Talent and Wellbeing, PPL 

Every single voice matters. I believe that everyone deserves to be heard and, when they struggle to find their voice, it is essential they have a safe space to turn to for encouragement and support. 

Music Minds Matter is exactly this; an incredible charity that can provide a safe space to musicians and those working in music who may never have had access to such a critical resource at any point in their career. For me, being part of Music Minds Matter is nothing short of a privilege. 

I believe in its potential and give it my full support. If I can do or be part of something that impacts even one person, it is worthwhile. And, with Music Minds Matter, the opportunity is greater than one; it’s limitless.”

Juliette has over 23 years’ experience as an HR professional within music and media organisations. She started at PPL in 2014 as Learning and Development Manager, and has since progressed to the role of Deputy Chief People Officer, focusing on Talent, Wellbeing and Engagement.

Juliette is a qualified coach, NLP Practitioner and is psychometric trained; however, beyond the qualifications, she is passionate about people, relationships, mental health, and inclusivity, consistently encouraging people to be their most authentic and whole self. Whether she’s driving company campaigns and communications or empowering people to find and share their voice, she is an advocate for the individual.

Maria Wray 

HR Director, United Talent Agency 

The support that Music Minds Matter provides is vital, particularly during these turbulent times, and while everyone in the industry recovers from the challenges of the pandemic. 

In my role supporting some of the people behind the artists, I see the mental health impact of industry pressures close-up, every day. I’m excited about becoming a trustee for Music Minds Matter as they work to improve understanding of the importance of mental health in music, and to ensure their services are accessible across the industry.” 

Maria has been a people and culture leader in the entertainment industry for over a decade, working with live agencies, festivals, and record labels including Universal Music, Broadwick Live and WME. She is currently HR Director for UTA, London. 

Maria has studied law, governance and business ethics, and has previously been a trustee for London-based youth work organisations. 

Melanie Johnson 

Head of Investor Services, Utopia Music 

Anyone who’s worked in music understands that our joyous industry can also take its toll on mental health. The demands on artists and their teams to continuously create, push boundaries, and be available 24/7 in a relentlessly fast-paced and high-pressured environment have never been greater.

I believe that recognising these challenges, acknowledging that it’s ok to need help, and having access to mental wellbeing support is vital. Music Minds Matter can and will change lives for the better and I am humbled to be part of such a critical organisation.”

Melanie is currently Head of Investor Services at Utopia Music, having previously worked at EMI Music Publishing, Sony ATV and Facebook as Head of Music publishing Partnerships, International. Melanie is also a current board trustee for The Ivors Academy Trust. 

Paul Firth 

Director of International, Amazon Music 

Paul has over 20 years’ experience in entertainment retail including time as Head of Music for Entertainment UK

He began his Amazon career in the physical music team, taking on the category leader role for physical music and DVD, before moving to digital music to oversee the launch of two Amazon Music streaming services. 

Reni Adadevoh 

I am delighted to join MMM as it broadens its focus beyond musicians to include all members of the music industry. For many, the pandemic highlighted that mental health is just as vital to well-being as physical health. 

Now is an opportune time to encourage a culture within the music industry where mental health is not only recognized, but actively supported. I hope to contribute to MMM by expanding mental health conversations to include not only support for clinical issues, but also the importance of building psychological safety around identity and encouraging healthy work-life balance.

Reni is currently Vice President, Legal and Business Affairs at Warner Music International and Co-Chair of their Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic employee resource group.

Having spent a significant portion of her childhood playing the violin and the piano, her main engagement with music now is through dance. 

Jim Benner 

Head of Music and Events, Children In Conflict, current Help Musicians Trustee 

I, like many people, depend on musicians whose art inspires, motivates, relaxes, energises and soothes my soul. Music Minds Matter supports musicians struggling with mental health issues. As my well-being is so reliant on musicians and their art, I feel honoured and obliged to be part of this important organisation.”

Jim is Head of Music and Events for the charity Children in Conflict — the US partner of UK charity War Child, with whom he also works in an advisory capacity. 

In the UK he played a key role in launching War Child’s biggest annual fundraisers – the Winter Wassail gala fundraiser (with Carey Mulligan and Marcus Mumford) and the flagship BRITs Week series